Posted by The Portland Roofers
New Roofs:
We feature high quality architectural style shingles from the two best major manufacturers of roofing shingles. All work is done to manufacturer’s specifications. Available in several grades and many colors. Shingles with warranties from 25 year to lifetime. Class A fire rated. Many Colors to chose from.
Roof Repair:
100% success rate for roof repair. In business since 1997 and no roof repaired has ever leaked again.
Roof Cleaning:
The safest and most efficient roof cleaning equipment available.
Cedar Roofs:
We use the proven best wood preservative for making cedar roofs last.
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Posted by The Portland Roofers
Home owners with cedar roofs that get estimates from roofing contractors reminds me of how Thomas Jefferson said: “Democracy is two wolves and a sheep deciding what is for lunch”.
A survey of the most popular opinions among contractors as to what is best for your cedar roof does NOT guarantee getting the best advice about cedar roof care. When comparing cedar roof care contractors it is not easy to tell who is promoting the best standards and practices for your cedar roof from those who are not.
Two of the three statements below are true. One of them is a commonly used but misleading statement to sell you a “cedar roof treatment” without any UV protection.
A. A new cedar roof will “weather,” gradually changing color and ultimately turning a beautiful silvery grey.
B. The side of a cedar roof that gets the most sun light will be in a more deteriorated state than areas that get less sun light.
C. Sun Light damages Wood. Cedar with no sun block/ UV protection will turn grey or silver.
In case your a bad test taker. B and C are true A.=BS. Grey is the natural color of a Cedar Roof like wrinkles are the natural state of skin. For home owners who like the look of weathered wood, but want their cedar roof to last there are some excellent Silver or grey tinted wood preservatives for cedar roofs. AMTECO makes wood preservative in “Slate Grey” because some people like silver of grey cedar roofs. These true wood preservatives go on grey and protect cedar roofs from Sun damage rather than allow Cedar roof to turn grey over time because of not preventing sun damage. I hope this helps to explain the difference.
The truth is silver or grey is the natural color of Cedar that has been sun damaged. Those in the cedar roof cleaning business using products that do not protect cedar roofs from sun damage are bending the definition of “the natural color of cedar”.
Here is a misleading statement about cedar roofs:
“Some homeowners like to stain their cedar roof for a more dramatic color scheme. However, over time, the wood will eventually change from reddish brown to a weathered grey.”
Here is a more helpful statement about cedar roofs:
Cedar roofs preserved with “Total Wood Preservative” every 5 years will will last three times as long as cedar roofs that receive no wood preservative. Neglected Cedar roofs will turn grey from sun damage or turn dark from algae infestation. The natural direction of a cedar roof not preserved and protected from weather is towards rot. A Ceadar roof is very expensive to replace financially wise home owners will preserve their wood roof.
Logical reasoning: A cedar roof is made of wood so find the best wood preservative and apply it to your cedar roof. Get your cedar roof really clean before applying the best wood preservative. A wood preservative that does not allow moss, algae and lichen to grow will eliminate the need for paying for future cleaning. More wood preservative can be applied every 4-5 years for a small fee.
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Posted by The Portland Roofers

– Jerry and Shirlee Bakeng
I just found out I put a new roof on the home of well known Boeing aeronautical engineer Jerry Bakeng. Pardon my silly title. Maybe I will be found by some more Boeing employees needing a roofing contractor.
This entry is about the most interesting customer I have had since I started as a contractor in 1997. Jerry Bakeng is the inventor of “The Bakeng Duce” . This aircraft was featured in the May 1971 issue of Sport Aviation (photo shown at top). That same year the aircraft was also awarded the Outstanding Design Trophy at the annual EAA fly-in in Oshkosh, Wisconsin. The story goes back to October 1969. Jerry Bakeng designed a two seated sports-plane and started the construction right away. After six months and $1500.– it was ready for its first flight. This flight took place on April the 2nd 1970; the air-crafts registration was N70BD. He named the aircraft the “Duce” and it was a redesign of the Baby Ace. The aircraft was a success because of its performance. The EEA gave the aircraft (and its designer) a few prices in 1971. The prototype (N70BD) is still flying today. The success of the Duce stimulated Gerald (Jerry) Bakeng to design a biplane version of the Duce. In 1972. Soon after the Bakeng Double Duce took to the air. Gerald Bakeng founded “Bakeng Aircraft” . Of both his planes (mainly the Duce), hundred of drawing sets were sold to individuals all over the world. The aircraft was mainly built in the USA and building of the aircraft took approx. 1000 hrs. The Duce was so popular that a Bakeng Duce club was founded in the USA.
Open cockpit flying on a warm summer afternoon over beautiful countryside enjoying the sheer pleasure of free flight had to be amazing.
Posted in The Roofing Contractor famous Airplane Designers prefer. | Leave Comment »
Posted by The Portland Roofers
I am currently seeking to form a relationship with a Portland rainwater harvesting expert or rainwater harvesting Contractor in Portland, OR. There is a growing demand from Portland Home owners seeking a new roof and rainwater collection system that results in clean usable water. Rainwater harvesting is a good thing that I want to be a part of.
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Posted by The Portland Roofers
Because your roof is made of wood, you must maintain it to avoid a big replacement bill sooner than you expect. To make it last, a good wood preservative must be applied. Beware trusting your roof cleaning to the wrong contractor who would use harmful products that could actually do damage to your roof. Water based product is NOT a wood preservative. So why is it that almost all contractors are offering consumers anything but the best wood preservative to treat a cedar roof? They do it to MAXIMIZE their profits by giving you cheap products. Check out my treatment section to find out more about what I use and the differences.
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Posted by The Portland Roofers
I got a phone call from a customer the other day who I had lost to another bidder. The customer picked a low bidder over me. Their roof repair did not fix the leak and it’s leaking again, so they would like to pay me to come do it right. It is important to do your research on a contractor before you hire him so you don’t end up in the same situation.
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